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Ongoing Projects

These are projects that are currently ongoing now, these are projects that I have started during the pandemic and that I do in my spare time.

Please see below for a detailed description as to what they are.

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Topic Talk

This is a website currently in development. This will contain many articles and news related content over the next few years. Topics include; Wrestling, Video Games, TV and Film.

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Topic Talk Wrestling Podcast

Topic Talk Wrestling Podcast is dedicated to wrestling. The main content is a play by play of what happens during episodes for WWE's Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown.


Since it began in May 2021 it has over 1,750 downloads and is listened to by many people from countries including the United States, Canada, England and Belgium.

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Topic Talk Wrestling on YouTube

Topic Talk Wrestling is a YouTube channel where I upload simulated match ups from the latest WWE wrestling game. These include simulations of upcoming PPV's.


Since it began in December 2018. It currently has over 323 subscribers and over 135,500 views.

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Previous Projects

Below is a collection of videos I have created in my spare time. These videos start from when I was in University back in 2016. The video quality has improved over time but I am hoping to take it a step further in the future.

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Radio Show Interviews

I also created a radio show called TopicTalkDUS which happened whilst I was at university. This ran from November 2017 - May 2018

This included interviewing: Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, Students Union staff and members of both societies and sports clubs.


The aim for this was to promote the unions sports and societies as well as the promotion of the student radio platform Phantom Media.


Below is some of the artwork for these shows we used to promote the radio show.

Links to these shows are on the Facebook page.

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Charity Work

Newlife Foundation

Starting with £25 the team had to turn it into as much money as possible in one day raising money for the NewLife Foundation.

We raffled off an Easter egg which was donated to us and sold tickets at £1 each. We used the £25 to negotiate with Krispy Kreme to purchase donuts at a discounted price. We then made a relationship with a local school which allowed us to sell the donuts to the kids.

The total amount raised was £725

Shoe Aid

As part of a university module project, we were tasked with trying to get as many pairs of shoes as possible.


We managed to get over 150 pairs of shoes for this charity. Sourcing from local primary schools, local corner shops, friends and family.

General Donations

I have donated to many charities including: Annabels Angels, Barrett’s Oesophagus UK, Cancer Research UK, GOSH, Meningitis Now, Mind, Muscular Dystrophy UK, NewLife & The Little Princess Trust.

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